Thursday, February 22, 2007

Meeting 2/22

Here's the run down of today's meeting......

We need volunteers to go to the mandatory meeting and bring back information on what we need to do for these events.

The International Festival is coming up soon. We still need some ideas on what to present to others and represent our club. Any ideas are welcome.

International Festival: March 29th need table reserved in Great Hall
Mandatory Meeting: February 27th 1-2pm rm A721
Ideas thought of from today's meeting is a Literature Translation

This Flea Market/ Fundraiser is a long way from now but it's best to plan ahead.

Flea Market/ Fundraiser: May 3rd table reserved b/w A and B bldgs
Mandatory Meeting: April 19th 5-7pm rm A718
We thought of selling something promoting our club along with our favorite and most successful item.....bake sale!!! So if you can bake double double fudge brownies or a handed down recipe keep that in the back of your mind. It sold quite well last semester.

National Poerty Month in April

For this month the library wants to have a banner made promoting National Poetry Month along with promoting FIT Words Club.

They will produce a banner for us and make the display. But I just thought you'd all like to know we are more and more exposing our club to the FIT community. The banner will say: “FIT Words: The Club for Writers Celebrates National Poetry Month”

Anyone who writes poetry can contribute poems to the display.

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