Thursday, February 22, 2007

Book your calendarios

Writers and Poets coming to FIT in March:

March 8th
Kurt Anderson
6:30pm -8pm
Media, Politics & "Heyday"

co-founder of Spy, host of WNYC's Studio 360, columnist and former editor-in-chief of New York magazine, at a conversation about media, politics and his just-published second novel, "Heyday," set in the boisterous America of the 19th century, a portrait of a country coming of age.

Interviewed by David Carr, New York Times "Media Equation" columnist and the "Carpetbagger" blogger on

The club has been given 10 tickets ($25 value). Sign-up sheet will be available in the meeting 2/22. List of attendees must be confirmed by email Thursday, March 1. Tickets can be picked up Monday or Tuesday, March 5 or 6, in Prof. Lemmon’s office (B602).
For more information on Andersen, visit his website:

Also on March 8th Mark Goldblatt will be speaking in Binsky's II (though not definate on room and time)

March 21 Denise Duhamel room tba 1-2pm

March 22nd or 29th Michael Hyde room and time and actual date tba

***Not Coming March 29th Lee Guttkind

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