Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Molly Peacock Reading!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Finalized events in March and April
Event: Guest speaker, Prof. and prose writer Mark Goldblatt
Wednesday, March 21, 1-2 p.m. D504
Event: Guest speaker, poet Denise Duhamel
Media: projector for computer (powerpoint)
Thursday, April 26, 1-2 p.m. Binsky’s II
Event: Guest speaker, poet Bill Coyle
**Binsky’s II is located on the 6th floor in the A building through the double doors by the elevator. It’s a big hall where there will be tables set up for us to sit as a group for discussion.
Tickets anyone?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Events for Next semester!! Ideas!!!
Thanks to Professor Lemmon for the wonderful writing prompt exercise today! Tons of fun and looking forward to others like it in the future! Thanks to everyone who came and if you couldn't make it, see you next time!
Peace and love everyone! .... .... ~_^
Book your calendarios
March 8th
Kurt Anderson
6:30pm -8pm
Media, Politics & "Heyday"
co-founder of Spy, host of WNYC's Studio 360, columnist and former editor-in-chief of New York magazine, at a conversation about media, politics and his just-published second novel, "Heyday," set in the boisterous America of the 19th century, a portrait of a country coming of age.
Interviewed by David Carr, New York Times "Media Equation" columnist and the "Carpetbagger" blogger on nytimes.com.
The club has been given 10 tickets ($25 value). Sign-up sheet will be available in the meeting 2/22. List of attendees must be confirmed by email Thursday, March 1. Tickets can be picked up Monday or Tuesday, March 5 or 6, in Prof. Lemmon’s office (B602).
For more information on Andersen, visit his website: http://kurtandersen.com/
Also on March 8th Mark Goldblatt will be speaking in Binsky's II (though not definate on room and time)
March 21 Denise Duhamel room tba 1-2pm
March 22nd or 29th Michael Hyde room and time and actual date tba
***Not Coming March 29th Lee Guttkind
Meeting 2/22
We need volunteers to go to the mandatory meeting and bring back information on what we need to do for these events.
The International Festival is coming up soon. We still need some ideas on what to present to others and represent our club. Any ideas are welcome.
International Festival: March 29th need table reserved in Great Hall
Mandatory Meeting: February 27th 1-2pm rm A721
Ideas thought of from today's meeting is a Literature Translation
This Flea Market/ Fundraiser is a long way from now but it's best to plan ahead.
Flea Market/ Fundraiser: May 3rd table reserved b/w A and B bldgs
Mandatory Meeting: April 19th 5-7pm rm A718
We thought of selling something promoting our club along with our favorite and most successful item.....bake sale!!! So if you can bake double double fudge brownies or a handed down recipe keep that in the back of your mind. It sold quite well last semester.
National Poerty Month in April
For this month the library wants to have a banner made promoting National Poetry Month along with promoting FIT Words Club.
They will produce a banner for us and make the display. But I just thought you'd all like to know we are more and more exposing our club to the FIT community. The banner will say: “FIT Words: The Club for Writers Celebrates National Poetry Month”
Anyone who writes poetry can contribute poems to the display.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Love Your Library Week Feb 12-16th
It was a good event we had many people there. Everyone who participated contributed so much just to read a poem or two.
Prof. Lemmon and I read poems that we wrote. Since it was a very emotional day some of us cried during poems.
But it all payed off in the end because we further exposed the club to many people present at the event.
Good Work Everyone!!!!
I will have more info. tomorrow on other events anyone can participate in as the semester goes on.
Creative Thinking
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Updates for Feb 14th
W27 the school newspaper is sending a reporter to the Love Your Library poetry reading event on Valentines day from 5-6pm when all selected club members performing poetry in any form present their works in the first poetry reading!!! Isn't that just so cool that we're getting more exposure to the school through W27!! Hope you can all stop by and listen or perform your pieces. Note: those of you who are performing, I know some of you who picked out poetry to read from the library is a good thing but if you want to share some of your poetry that pertains to the subject of Valentines day by all means bring them. I dug some of my poetry out to share.
Bill Coyle will be at the school on April 26th time and room tba. Here is a link to some info. on this poet.
Denise Duhamel will be at the school on March 21st 1-2pm the room tba. btw, she spoke at the school last spring and was really reallly funny. Both her poems and personality match. Here is a link to some of her poems and bio.
This Thursday Feb 15th from 12-1pm is an officers meeting. This is for treasurer, secretary, student council reps, pres. and advisor. Meeting in either the english dept. conference rm, cafeteria or another place to discuss things.
Pls. volunteer to put up fliers. Hopefully you all got my e-mail about putting them up. It takes only 5 mins. Everythings there for you in the folder. It would mean a lot to put them up because that's how students see that we are a club. That's how many of you came to the first meeting.
Another interesting thing that we can use our funds for are:
Subscriptions to Poets & Writers and perhaps other literary magazines
We can get them with a possible discount because we're from a school. Any publications you have in mind pls. share.
Writing-related books, such as The Portable MFA in Creative Writing, which includes a chapter on magazine writing by Charles Salzberg (http://www.amazon.com/Portable-Creative-Writing-Writers-Workshop/dp/1582973504/sr=8-1/qid=1171205842/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-7434599-1809661?ie=UTF8&s=books) , Heather Sellers’ Page after Page (http://www.amazon.com/Page-After-Discover-confidence-passion/dp/1582973121/sr=1-1/qid=1171207377/ref=sr_1_1/002-7434599-1809661?ie=UTF8&s=books), and Anne Lamott’s Bird By Bird (http://www.amazon.com/Bird-Some-Instructions-Writing-Life/dp/0385480016/sr=1-1/qid=1171207443/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-7434599-1809661?ie=UTF8&s=books). We could order them through the FIT bookstore in multiple copies. You probably have other books you would recommend from your own reading.
If there are any books you think the club should know about we can get them.
Special writing-related materials (journal notebooks, etc.)
Wed. Feb 14th Valentines Day
Love Your Library
Poetry Reading
**I know you have poems picked out from the library but if anyone wants to share some of their own material that would be great. This way you can practice on speaking your poetry.
Thurs Feb 22nd
2nd club meeting
**Pls. bring ideas.
Pres Pam
Saturday, February 10, 2007
February 22 Meeting: Requests and Suggestions?
- Workshop: Everyone emails me 1 poem or short prose piece; I can make copies for the group and we'll talk about it together
- Q&A: How do you get published? How do you write when you don't feel like writing? How do you know when a piece of writing is really good? etc. etc.
- Writing on the spot: Hands-on exercises will get you to produce a piece of writing on the spot, and we can share the results.
To cast a vote or make a request, post a comment to this posting (rather than a new blog posting). Let's hear what you want!
Community Word Project (Feb 10th)
Since the club was formed we've been working with The Community Word Project doing various invitation preparations for the annual banquet to benefit inner city kids with sharing the art world in many forms. It's a big asset to be able to express one's self through many forms of art particularly writing.
This is where the club helped out the most in. I felt that being president of FIT Words Club to see what the other members wanted to get out of the club and also share stories of interest. It's definitely been of much help to have members from many majors with a similarity in writing in general.
I hope that the club will offer as much attention to writing in any form to us as a group. Along with the valuable connections our advisor has in bringing various writers to speak at our college.
Thank you so much to our advisor, Prof. Lemmon in sharing and forming the club. The Community Word Project is also a great connection we have and we are helping out the community in and around which our college surrounds.
Thank you to to the members who helped out today. It is very much appreciated on my part and also from Prof. Lemmon's part that we did reach out to students who want to write.
I'm sure we will have a wonderful and fun filled semester with all the events planned and will be happening quicker than we think.
I still think Robert De Niro would be great for the community word project. Hahaha.
Pres. Pam ":D
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Map to Community Word Project
Welcome to FIT Words!
CLUB MEMBERS: If you want to join the blog, email me and I'll have Blogger send you an invitation to become an author of this blog.