Professor Lemmon conducted a writing exercise today on etymology. We visited the reference section of the library (on the fourth floor) and randomly chose six words out of the many volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary. We wrote down the different roots of the word, definitions, etc. to later use in a poem. Professor Lemmon used etymology in her poem “Deciding on Quandary.” (Please email her if you would like a copy.) She recommended we try writing a sestina with the six words we each chose. Click here for information on how to write a sestina, or try this sestina generator. Post your results to the blog!
Community service
I will be stopping by Student Life later this week to pick up some community service forms. If you’re interested in helping out, email me and I will send you a copy.

“The Godfather behind Creative nonfiction,” Lee Gutkind, will be coming to FIT next week. He will be speaking to the club on Tuesday, November 11 from 1-2 in room D504. If you would like more information, visit his website. Please come prepared with a few questions for either him or the genre of creative nonfiction. Hope to see you all there!