Friday, April 27, 2007

FIT Events in April

To summarize a successful month for FIT Words, we have to include two very promising guest speakers.

On April 19th, Corie Feiner spoke to our club about poetry and the process of getting poetry published. She is the poetry editor at Bellevue Literary Review. Her stories on how she became a poet were just as interesting as the poetry pieces she read to us.

It's quite different to have poems read out loud as opposed to for print only. She described her process in writing a poem for a reading. Her poems ranged from anything from NYC life to a rather hilarious poem on pimples. It was really wonderful to see the spectrum of poetry that is performed. My favorite was "Subway Pastoral", what a classic.

On April 26th, Bill Coyle read from his chap book, The God of This World to His Prophet, each poem within the collection was written in various forms. Of these forms were sestina, sonnets and other well structured poems. Each poem gave us a sense of how many ways one can convey a theme. I was especially intrigued by a poem in which he translated from Swedish to English. Translating can be hard for any language but when he was describing the way to keep the form written in Swedish and translate it into English it's hard to keep within the parameters. But as far as translating Håkan Sandell's poems I wanted to see what the Swedish version was too.

Overall our club highly enjoyed both events and welcome them back again. It was so nice to see different poets speak about their paths through poetry. Seeing how poetry can be conveyed in various forms was a definate plus for everyone who shared this interest as much as I did.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

FIT Words Anthology

Hey Everyone!!!

The club has been working to get the Anthology started. All production criteria is being sorted out as we speak but......We need submissions of any kind. You know your best work in any genre of writing whether it be poetry, short fiction, etc. If you want to see what types of material we want in the anthology check out any literary magazine and you'll see what they publish.

Only what's much cooler is that it's our work in the anthology. It's quite an accomplishment in it's self. Please submit to Prof. Lemmon or myself any documents pertaining to what you want in the anthology.

Okay, with that said we are planning to have the anthology due out in the fall. So keep your writing going and we'll have a surprise in the fall when the anthology is out.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hey Poetry Writers!!!

ICON def. needs your poetry. Pls. send your works asap if you want to get published!!!!

They are located in A bldg 7th floor in student life office. You can sign a form there to release your poetry there or Prof. Lemmon has release forms in her office. Either way you should get your poetry published!!! It's a great way to get your works noticed!!

So go now!! and send some in!!!