Highlights from today's meeting:
- Bake Sale - October 28th from 12-2 in the D lobby
-Halloween theme!
-We need volunteers to bake and to work the table from 12-1 or 1-2 - Community Service
-Community Word Project on a Saturday in December
-Email me if interested in doing an individual service - Campus Blood Drive - November 13th from 10am-7pm in the Great Hall
-Make sure to sign in! - Job Fair 2008 - October 21st from 11am-2:30pm in the Great Hall
- Open Mic for Substance Abuse Awareness Week - October 21st from 6-8pm in the 5th Floor Lounge
-$50 gift cards raffled to all participants
-Email ashley_maine@fitnyc.edu if interested - Possible field trips
-Bowery Poetry Club slam for college students in December
-louderARTS slams on Mondays at 7pm
We ended the meeting today with a writing workshop. Thanks to all of those who brought/sent work!